About Us
“Building the platform for your opportunity”
This company was started 2006, by 2 college graduates with degrees in Accounting and Business Administration. We have over 20 years experience.
The driving force behind starting this company was to provide a service to entrepreneur that would provide the the opportunity to focus on the real reason they got into business. Or why they want to get into business in the first place, providing goods and services to their customers.
Bookkeeping and related accounting necessities can appear easy enough on the surface. Ask any entrepreneur what their most hated task in their company is and one will undoubtedly get the answer. As business grows bookkeeping and related Accounting tasks continue to require more time and attention from the owner making it more difficult to focus on thier customers. This is why Out Of The Box Biz Care LLC wants to help you focus on your customers and relieve you of the single biggest headache of your business.